For full USRW Certification, all transportation must be documented regardless of whether there was a transfer of ownership. This includes transporting material between facilities within the same company. For USRW Interim Certification, transportation documentation and distance traveled will not be required.
2.1.1 Log or lumber hauling/trucking company information must be documented (REQUIRED)
2.1.2 Date transported will be documented. (REQUIRED)
2.1.3 A transportation document for the transportation of any logs, lumber or reclaimed wood
will include at a minimum the starting location and the destination (Based upon address, Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN), XY coordinates, and/or GPS coordinates). (REQUIRED)
2.1.4 Each time the item moves (from the removal, deconstruction or reclamation site to the processing site, to the drying site, to the storage site, to a sales facility, to its final destination or any other destination along its path) the distance traveled shall be documented. (REQUIRED) Each time the item moves, the distance traveled will be recorded. Distance is measured by direct line from one location to the next destination site (e.g., not actual road miles) and those miles are totaled.
Optional Points within 2.1:
2.1.5 Photographic documentation of the load when being transported from the removal / reclamation site and added to the CoC history. (1 pt. per photo up to 2pts. More than 2 photos may be documented)
2.1.6 Log, lumber or finished product was hauled by USRW Certified Organization. (1 pt.)